In this video, Soojin Kwon, Director of Admissions at the Ross School of Business, offers tips to MBA applicants on how to impress the admissions committee. She shares the key points that the strongest applicants have in common.
The first thing the committee notices about the greatest applicants is how clearly they showcase their experience and skills on their résumés. The résumé is the first thing that they look at, so it is the first impression you’ll make on them. You will want to spend some time on it to make sure it is clear, synced and meaningful. Important tip – do not give job descriptions! Show the committee your impact instead and keep the document concise and on one page.
Check out: MBA Resume or a CV is Better for Admission
The admissions committee likes to meet applicants in person. This is another perfect opportunity for you to make a good impression on them. In order to do that, demonstrate awareness of the school you are considering and of the people around you. However, never ask admissions directors to rate your chances of getting in.
Show the admissions directors that you are striving to be the best version of yourself. One way of doing that is through the GMAT of GRE. Don’t worry too much if you have scored lower on an admission test. Instead, retake the test for a higher score. It doesn’t matter if you scored lower the first time, they will always look at your highest total score. They might see that lower score, but they will also see that you aimed to do something about it, which is more important for them.
Check out: How Crucial is the GMAT for Top MBA Admission?
If you nail these three things, there’s a strong chance that you will be given an interview invitation. Then, the real fun begins.
Check out: What Matters Most in MBA Admissions?