From this video, you will learn nine useful scientific tips and tricks for studying, which will help you get the high grades you are striving for:
1. Have short study sessions
Research studies show that study sessions are most effective in small short periods. It is much more effective to spread your long session into small ones over the course of a few weeks. This is because your brain is better at adding coding information into the synopsis in short, repeated sessions as opposed to one large period.
2. Set a routine
Setting up specific times in a day or during the week just to study primes your day by creating a routine and overtime studying actually becomes easier as your brain is trained to learn during those periods.
3. Rereading is wrong
While many of us spend hours passively rereading our notes or highlighting a textbook, studies have shown this to be ineffective. It doesn’t improve your understanding of the topic. Flashcards, on the other hand, have proved to be an excellent memory reinforcement tool. It doesn’t matter if it’s during your scheduled study sessions, or during a bus ride home, for example.
4. Set a specific goals
Setting a specific goal for each study session helps a lot. Pick one aspect you'll focus on instead of studying without a purpose. In the end, if you can’t explain it simply, then you don’t understand it well enough.
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5. Teaching mindset
Believe it or not, it has been proved that if you set your mind for teaching someone else, you will understand the topic much better. When you’re expecting to teach, your brain organises the information in a more logical and coherent structure.
6. Practice
Not only do practice tests put you in the exam environment, but they also help you identify the gaps in your knowledge by making mistakes. Practice tests have also been shown to increase confidence, thereby leading to better performance.
7. Set a quiet study space
Research shows that having a well-equipped study space with every tool you might need primes your brain for studying, just like setting times for study.
8. No music
While studies have shown that certain types of classical music can help improve concentration, a recent study has shown that learning with rhythmic background noise can be detrimental to focus.
9. No Distractions
Put away your phone. Your texts and social media notifications severely decrease concentration.
Check out: Studying in the Age of Digital Distraction