Find out what the key is to effective preparation for the GMAT exam and what is considered to be a good enough score for business school admission and scholarships.
In this video, Iliana Bobova, Head of Admissions Consulting at PrepAdviser, gives an insight into how to achieve a high score on the GMAT exam.
GMAT stands for Graduate Management Admission Test and is a major requirement for admission to graduate programmes such as MBA, Master’s in Finance, and others in the field of business and management.
Why take the GMAT exam
The GMAT exam is used mostly for admission to business schools or for scholarship application, but may also be taken into consideration by some employers.
What is considered to be a good GMAT score
The score range in the GMAT exam is between 200 (minimum score) and 800 (maximum score). The average score is around 500. High GMAT scores range between 650 and 800.
How to achieve a high score
To achieve a high score you need to start your preparation early, commit yourself to intensive studies, and dedicate at least four months of your time to preparing for the exam. Also you should be ready to spend some money on materials and GMAT tutoring.
What is effective preparation
Effective preparation for the GMAT combines guided preparation with professional instructors, self-study, practice, monitoring your progress and, of course planning some time for a second try.
Check out: How to Prepare for GMAT – Essential Guide
How to start GMAT preparation
The first thing you should do is to take a sample GMAT test. Then, start refreshing your knowledge of maths and English. You should spend some time working on high-school or college-level geometry, algebra, arithmetic and word problems. You must improve your English vocabulary, grammar and style.
Check out: How to Start GMAT Preparation
Practise under realistic conditions. Work on realistic, timed, full-length tests. This will help you train your stamina, and keep your concentration for the whole duration of the GMAT test.
Enjoy watching the video and do not forget to comment! Good luck with your GMAT preparation!