KEDGE Business School

Paris, France





Number of programs

Short Overview

KEDGE Business School is a leading French management school with 4 campuses in France (Paris, Bordeaux, Marseille and Toulon), 3 associate campuses in France (Avignon, Bastia and Bayonne) and 4 abroad (2 in China in Shanghai and Suzhou, and 2 in Africa in Dakar and in Abidjan).

KEDGE community is made up of 15 600 students (23% of whom are foreign students), 175 permanent professors (45% of whom are international), 275 international academic partners and 85,000 graduates worldwide. KEDGE offers 36 courses in management and design for students and professionals, and deploys tailor-made courses for companies at national and international level.

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MBA Programs

Is KEDGE Business School a good fit for you?

Are you someone who...

  • Likes predictability and process?
  • Values clarity and directness?
  • Likes to plan ahead for success?
  • Wants to succeed through teamwork?
  • Prefers a less conventional business environment?
  • Prefers to see your teachers as peers or collaborators?

Is KEDGE Business School the right choice for you?

Unimy offers a suite of tools to help you determine the suitability of a business school for your unique profile. The AI Matching tool evaluates how well a school aligns with your educational and work background. The Cultural Fit tool assesses your cultural alignment with the institution, ensuring a harmonious environment. Additionally, the Unimy 360° MBA ranking feature lets you create a personalized ranking of schools based on your specific criteria, giving you a tailored view of your best options.


Cultural Fit Which schools teach long-term thinking for business?

Students are looking for business schools that value the long-term – especially concerning the environment and sustainable business practices. But which schools and programs can provide this kind of education? And what does thinking with a long-term orientation in business really mean? We explore some of the ins and outs of the issue.


Contact details

Campus address

Some of the texts on this page might have been created using AI or sourced by KEDGE Business School's website.